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Home Buyer Reports

Our Level Two HomeBuyer reports, which are regulated by the RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), are suitable for a range of well-maintained properties that have been constructed from common building materials. The survey will provide the client with detailed information on the condition of the home and will highlight any issues or defects that should be raised with a legal advisor.

These non-invasive inspections are carried out on both the interior and exterior elements of the property and comment on any structural concerns that will require further attention.  The report uses a colour-coded, traffic light system as follows:

Condition Rating 1 – Routine maintenance only

Condition Rating 2 – Non-critical repairs required

Condition Rating 3 – Critical repairs required or further investigations recommended eg on electrical or gas services

If required this information will give the client the grounds to renegotiate the property’s true value with the seller. Or if the surveyor’s report highlights several critical issues it may deters the client  from the purchase entirely.

 We aim to have the document completed within five working days of the inspection taking place.

As well as providing these detailed condition reports, our HomeBuyer services can include a reliable assessment on the property’s estimated market value. This appraisal  could potentially reduce the current asking price of the property and guarantee that the client is not being overcharged or misled. If you opt for a valuation to be included it will also come with a rebuild cost for insurance purposes.

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